Stump Grinding

Grinding down unsightly tree stumps is the final step to completing full tree removal jobs. Stump Removal is a more costly, labor and time-intensive process. It’s also more invasive as it effectively digs up the tree’s root system with specialized equipment and manual labor. This process often results in a great deal of damage requiring significant landscaping to create a safe and visually appealing area.

At Scally’s Tree Service, we opt for Stump Grinding because it’s quicker, more efficient, and preserves surrounding areas like lawns and gardens by crushing the stump so the sub-surface roots decompose over time. The resulting wood chips can be left for the property owner to spread as mulch, or our crews will remove them as part of the clean-up. The area can now be landscaped as much or as little as desired, and the former tree is long forgotten.

Stump Grinding creates safer spaces for enjoyment, increases curb appeal, and reduces the risk of disease, pests, and mold. Our crews provide the perfect solution with our Stump Grinding Service, which can also be a stand-alone project. Property owners who have had prior tree work completed with unattractive tree stumps left behind can schedule a time to Meet with a Pro and we’ll perform a complimentary and in-person project assessment.